Burger King: holistic creativity

Fernando Machado, Former Global CMO, RBI, on delivering results with flair.

There is plenty of data proving that creativity yields better results. Yet creativity is not just advertising. It’s about the spark of an idea that will help you do something different to other brands out there. Some may believe that creativity should be confined to selling products when in fact, it should permeate an entire organisation and help to deliver results.

Machado’s advice:

establishing a creative culture

Learn, be humble and adjust. Show that tapping into creativity can help deliver your objectives. If you’re risk-averse, start small, with a social media post, or a radio or print ad. That will help pave the way to bigger and bolder things. That’s better than doing something vanilla.

“Enhance people’s lives”

Fernando Machado talks about the value of a meaningful mindset in helping communities

“The brands that did well in the pandemic helped people in communities without calculating the short-term ROI of doing so.

“At Burger King, we donated a million kids meals in the US because kids weren’t eating. What’s the ROI of giving away a million meals? I have no idea. But it was the right thing to do."

“Brands emerging strong from the pandemic had the same mindset. Those brands understand that being purposeful and playing a role is not about picking a random cause; it’s about enhancing people’s lives.”