Entries and Judging.
What is the judging criteria?
Successful business transformation is measured by how well the company interpreted the business challenge, the experience created and the business impact for the brand. Therefore, a number of criteria will be considered during judging and weighted as follows: 30% strategy & process; 35% experience & implementation; 35% business results & impact.
What do I need to provide with my entry?
An Information Deck containing an explanation of the transformation is compulsory.
It is highly recommended to submit a two-minute Case Study Film and optional Support Materials.
See the Creative Business Transformation Materials Guide for more details.
The written submission
1. Why is this work relevant for Creative Business Transformation?
2. Background
- Situation/Driving Factors.
- The challenge the brand/business was facing.
- Objectives.
3. Strategy & Process (30%)
- Creative interpretation of the business challenge.
- Evidence of creativity in planning the approach – testing, engagement, experimentation, etc.
- Innovation and ingenuity in solution design, evidence of breakthrough thinking.
4. Experience & Implementation (35%)
- Creative impact for customers, employees and other stakeholders.
- Evidence that the initiative made a material positive difference to people’s lives/work.
- Quality of execution of creative vision/solution in the real-world.
5. Business Results & Impact (35%)
- Business impact – profit, performance and market share growth.
- Delivery of the original objective/business KPI.
- Brand loyalty/customer lifetime value (CLV).
- Productivity/operational efficiencies.