
Once your talk is 'on hold'

Upload synopsis, bios, photos, thumbnail to the speaker portal

31 March 2021

Accommodation deadline*

31 March 2021

Deadline to complete technical survey (via Speaker portal)

7 May 2021

Deadline to register for your Speaker Pass

14 May 2021

Skeleton of presentation deck deadline – upload to the Speaker Portal.

21 May 2021

All boxes on the Speaker Portal should be completed and have a tick

14–18 June 2021

Any onsite deliveries to arrive within this time frame

14 June 2021

Deadline for guest car information **

*Hosts are responsible for paying for their own hotel. The later you book accommodation, the less options there will be. Our team will try to help you find suitable accommodation right up until the event

**Only required if you have a car dropping off a speaker